Task | Details | Data Analysis Plan | Tasked to: | DONE? |
Lubin1 | Similar to Henderson, except program shows video files instead of pictures. |
Excel |
Ethan |
No |
Yantis1 |
--- |
Vincent.exe |
Ryan |
Yes |
Folk11 Data Analysis | The data structure is identical to Folk10, and is handled thus by Vincent.exe. |
Vincent.exe |
Ethan |
Yes |
Constructing User Sheet for Vincent.exe | Task is to review use of Vincent.exe and write down principles of use, and also constraints it imposes on output files | Phil |
Yes |
MackBund14 | This is just like MackBund10 except for display geometry | Excel |
Phil |
Yes |
Stroop1 | New prog: Stroop effect with ITI variation; incorporate voice recognition |
Vincent.exe |
Phil |
Yes |
Stroop2 |
Phil |
HendersonDataAnalysisDotxDot |
Displays image and eye positions from Henderson1 one eye position at a time. Data is progressed by the spacebar. |
--- |
Ethan |
Yes |
Keller2 | Modification of Keller1; Be sure to make data output files readable by Vincent.exe | Vincent.exe |
Ryan |
HendersonDataAnalysis - DotProgression | Displays image and eye positions one at a time from Henderson datafile. Analyzer uses "4" and "6" key to progress foward or back through file. Then can hit the "Y" key to mark the file if the eye was at a desired position. |
Ethan |
Yes |
Displays image and eye positions from Henderson1 in a composite form, and then asks to save picture in ".bmp" format. |
--- |
Ethan |
Yes |
VK4 | Single-Bar similar to Visual Kalsbeek |
Phil |
Yes |
Henderson2 | Exactly like Henderson1, except the pictures are different |
Ethan |
Yes |
Rubichi2 | Modifications on Rubichi1 for Sandro Rubichi. |
Henderson - DataAnalysis - DotProgression |
Ethan |
Fadetime1 |
Phil |
Nov1 |
Phil |
7/01/01 |