How Vincent works:
User Selects files to be analyzed
***The R-*.txt files must be located in a directory named after the
experiment by which the data was gathered (i.e. "../Mackbund10/R-2.txt")
User Clicks "START" to begin analysis
Standard Deviation factor is set to 3
An empty OutPut file is created in the directory
named <experiment>-S.txt (i.e. "Mackbund10-S.txt")
The program runs through the Raw Data file, line by line, reading each value into
an array (inFile). There may be any number of values on the file. Lines are
ignored that begin with the pound sign (#)
The program records the number of trials (which will be equal to the number
of lines that did not begin with the pound sign)
Select Case <Experiment>
-May use unique procedure to calcuate values that will be printed to a file
-May just call "Calucalte" procedure
find Standard Deviation, Mean, etc. & print out to file
RawFile Format:
The contents of the raw files should consist of x rows, where x is the number of trials in the experiment. Each row of the rawfile contains at a minimum the block number, the trial number, the levels of the independent variables, the subject’s response (which key was pressed) and the response time. Very often it also contains other details about the stimuli presented, and perhaps about the responses made. Any number of extra elements (columns) may be recorded. It is in the procedure unique to each program in Vincent that either uses or disregards the extra data.