Microphone Protocol


Start Menu → Settings → Control Panel → Speech


Recognition Profiles:

Choose appropriate gender box, then click apply.  Make sure under language it says Microsoft English Recognition v5.1.  



Click on Configure Microphone

Have the subject get comfortable in front of the microphone.

Tell the subject that we are training the microphone to adapt to their voice so they should speak clearly.  The software will show them the sentence that they should say.  The computer plays back the sentence.  If it sounds ok (i.e. It is not too breathy, volume is loud enough), then click on Finish.  If not, have the subject repeat the sentence until the playback sounds right.


Once the subject has repeated the sentence, go under Settings and make sure the box called Background Adaptation is NOT checked.  **Double-check every time**


Click on Training Profile.

Under Training it provides you with several options for the subject to read.  Choose the Introduction to Microsoft Speech Recognition. Once you have chosen that option, Click Next. 

Mark the appropriate boxes for gender and age.  If the subject’s voice is high pitched, consider marking 12 and under. Click Next

Tell the subject to read the sentences that are in the white box.  Subjects keep reading until the training is done.  Click Finish.


When the training is complete, Click Apply, then Click Ok (On speech properties)


Start the experiment.