Visual Tracking & Recall Task Specs
In this experiment, subjects perform two basic tasks
alone and then the two tasks are combined together. There will be 3
experimental blocks and each block will be presented twice.
There are 2 Basic Tasks:
A Recall Task: Word list presented on the
screen and then recall aloud the set of words.
Visual Tracking Task: Cartesian to polar coordinate task where Ps
have to start at one point and end at another point on the screen.
Present word list with one word on the
screen at a time every 4 seconds. Words should be presented in a random order.
Place 3-digit number (e.g. 282) in the center of the screen. The number should
be in 24 point font. Leave number on the screen for 45 seconds. Subjects will
count backwards by 3s into the microphone. After number disappears from screen,
play “beep” sound (which triggers open a sound recorder). At this point,
subjects will say aloud the words into a microphone. Responses will be recorded for 60 sec and
sound recorder can be closed after the time has elapsed.
We will need a sound recorder that will
enable us to discern what was said by the participant as well as keep track of
recording time. There are several options (e.g., audacity or cool edit pro)
that might work.
Tracking Task:
The visual task maps Cartesian mouse
moves to polar coordinates on the screen. A colored point on the screen
indicates the starting point and another colored point indicates the end point.
The goal is for the participant to figure out the shortest path to the end
point. The points should be different colors.
The participants’ screen should have
the two points on the screen. The mouse pointer should be hidden or camouflaged
such that the participant cannot see the pointer on the screen. Also, the path
from the two points should be invisible on the screen. There will be a specific
amount of time to complete the task (see trial information below for specific
times). If the end point is reached before the time for the task, place a new
start and end point on the screen. Start and end points should be randomly
placed on the screen.
We need to have the program recreate
the path from the start to end point. A black line in the foreground should
show the path. Under this line, are red disks indicating points on the path
where pauses took place. The size of the red disk should increase as the pause
time increases.
We will need to have millisecond timing
indicating the location of the mouse on the screen. The data will record the X,
Y position and RT.
On first screen collect subject ID# and
condition. Provide General Instructions screen (see attached instructions for
General Instructions to Subject).
First, the recall and visual task will
be performed alone.
Recall Practice.
Present recall instructions (see attached instructions file)
recall task as described above (use ListPrac for the word list)
Visual Practice. Present
visual task instructions (see attached instructions file)
Present Visual Task as described above.
Subjects will practice on this task for 5 minutes.
There will be a total of 3 experimental
blocks and each block will be repeated twice.
This block uses only the Recall Task
Present Block 1 instructions (see
attached instruction file)
Present each word in word List1a once
every 4 sec. (Use List1b when this block is repeated). Place number a new
3-digit number in the center of the screen. Leave number on the screen for 45 sec.
Subjects will count backwards by 3’s into the microphone. After number
disappears from screen, play “beep” sound. At this point, subjects will say
aloud the words from the List1 into a microphone. Responses will be recorded for 60 sec.
afterwards, display message on screen that they have completed the task.
Recall Task
Study List: 15 words Filler Task: Count backwards (3s) Recall Only
60s 45s 60s
This block uses only the Visual Task.
Present Block 2 Instructions (see attached
instructions file)
The Visual task is presented for 90sec
for each time.
Visual Tracking Task
Pre-measure RT choice Task
30s 60s
Block C:
This block combines the recall and
visual tasks.
Present block 3 instructions (see attached
instructions file).
Present word list2a (use list2b for
repeat). Place 3-digit # on screen for 15sec.
Present visual task. After 30sec, play
beep for recall (open sound recorder).The visual task should remain on the
screen for another 60sec. (thus, the visual task is performed for a total of
90seconds and this display is continuous to the subject). Afterwards, display
message on screen that they have completed the task.
Dual Task
Study List: 15 words Filler Task: Count backwards (3s) Visual Task Recall + Visual Task
60s 15s 30s 60s
of Blocks:
There are a total of 6 experimental
conditions such that a participant will receive only one of these conditions
Blocks 1 should be counterbalanced in a specific order (see chart below).
Counterbalancing condition |
1st block presented |
2nd block presented |
3rd block presented |
1 |
A |
B |
C |
2 |
B |
C |
A |
3 |
C |
A |
B |
4 |
A |
C |
B |
5 |
B |
A |
C |
6 |
C |
B |
A |
You will need to save the data in
several files
For the Recall Task:
Subject ID#, Condition, Block, RT onset
and offset of the recall sound recorder
The sound files should be saved as a
separate wav file (One for each recall task).
For the Visual Task:
I would like 3 data files: One for the
practice, one for the single, one for the dual task with the following
Subject ID#, condition, block, X, Y, RT
(as close to msec timing that we can get)