Specs for SetTran2
This is like SetTran1, but instead of 2 possible stimuli,
there are 4.
Everything is selected randomly and independently on each
trial, as in SetTran1.
First, Experimenter is asked what order condition to use for
the subject (1 or 2) as well as the usual questions.
At the beginning of the experiment, subject should get these
"Thank you for participating in this experiment. This experiment will be divided into twelve
blocks of trials, each lasting just a few minutes. The task is very simple.
On each trial, one of four possible stimuli will be presented. One stimulus is a yellow triangle. You always respond to the yellow triangle by
pressing the X key with your left middle finger. Another stimulus is a blue
diamond. You always respond to the blue
by pressing the C key with your left index finger.
The third stimulus looks like a Stop Sign, the the fourth
looks like a Green traffic light.
The diamond and triangle should be shapes about the same
size as the stop sign and the green light.
One of these tells you to respond by pressing the m key with
your right index finger. The other
means DON'T RESPOND AT ALL. When the
stimulus to RESPOND is presented, you should press the N key with the index
finger of your dominant hand, responding as rapidly as possible. When the stimulus is the DON'T RESPOND stimulus,
you should do nothing. The computer
will tell you at the beginning of each block of trials which stimuli are
associated with what response."
12 blocks X 50 trials/block
On each trial, pick one of the 4 stimuli random and
independently. The probabilities
of each of the stimuli are:
triangle: .4
diamond: .4
stop sign: .1
light: .1
For subjects in order condition 1, use mapping 1 on blocks
1-6 and mapping 2 on blocks 7-12.
For subjects in order condition 2, use mapping 2 on blocks
1-6 and mapping 1 on blocks 7-12.
At the beginning of each block, show the subject which
stimulus is for RESPOND, and which is for DON'T RESPOND. Show them the actual stimuli with the
appropriate labels right below them, and keep that up there for 5 seconds (10
seconds on the blocks 1 and 7, where they are just getting used to it).
Mapping 1:
yellow triangle: X key
blue diamond: C key
Stop Sign: M key
Green Light: Don't Respond
Mapping 2:
yellow triangle: X key
blue diamond: C key
Stop Sign: Don't Respond
Green Light: M key
When you present the stimulus, it should stay up until the
subject responds (or 1000 msec when the proper response is no response). Save what stimulus was presented, what response
they make, if any, and what the response time is (measured from stimulus onset).
Codes to use for responses:
1 correct
non-response to nogo signal
2 incorrectly
pressed M to nogo signal
3 incorrectly
pressed some other key to nogosignal
4 incorrectly
non-response to go signal (stop sign or green light)
5 incorrectly
non-response to diamond or triangle
6 correct
response to diamond or triangle
7 incorrectly
pressed some other key to diamond or triangle
Test out the program by making a miniversion with just 10 trials
per block instead of 50, and running yourself right through. Make sure the program is saving EVERYTHING
so that all information about every trial could be reconstructed (what stimulus
presented, what response made if any, RT for that response).
Please let me know if you have any questions.