(1) general
The subjects will be
required to learn two lists (A-B and A-C) with 30 paired items each. The lists
will contain 30 words (A) which will be paired with a color (B) in the first
list and a certain keypress (C) in the second list (the same words). The colors
will be “red”, “blue” and “green”, the keys will be “1”, “2”, and “3” (from the
numeric part of the keyboard). Later the subj. will be tested on their memory
retrieval for the word-color/key-combinations under different conditions.
(2) run chart
(2a) subject
The initials, subject
number, and condition* should be typed in.
(2b) instructions
[I’ll write them
(2c) learning
[the words will be
taken out of a text file]
present the
A1-B1 pair (e.g. drama – blue) for 6 seconds
present the next pair (A2 – B2)
… and so on
up to the 5th pair
present word A1 - ? for 6 sec and demand answer
provide 3
sec feedback (“correct”/”wrong”)
this testing up to pair A5 - ?
pairs A6-B6 up to A10-B10 (like described above)
test pairs
A6-B6 up to A10-B10 (like described above)
… (and so
A26-B26 up to A30-B30
A26-B26 up to A30-B30
test items
1 to 30 in a random order
continue to
test the whole list in a random order until each item has been correct twice
after that:
instruction for learning second list
use the
same procedure as in list one, but with the A-C pairs
for the
word-color-pairs use a voicekey to measure the correct answer
for the
word-key-pairs use the keypress to measure the correct answer
reaction times are not important, but should be recorded, though
(2d) testing
subjects will be required to perform both possible answers, i.e. perform B and
C if A is presented (in any order)*
and they’ll
be required to perform only one possible answer, i.e. B or C if A is
in the test
condition they won’t get a feedback about their answer
the word A should be presented until one or both answers (depending on
condition) are performed – keypress and/or spoken word
(3) *conditions
there are 4
different conditions in this experiment:
list to learn 2nd list to learn 1st testing 2nd
A-B A-C B and C B or C
A-B A-C B or C B and C
A-C A-B B and C B or C
A-C A-B B or C B and C