ROSS1 Specs(rev4/14/03)




1.  On Day 1, view pictures


2.  On Day 2, respond to pictures on Scales of Likeability and Honesty/Dishonesty.


3.  On Day 2, recall any information about the pictures shown on Day 1


Overall Sequence of Events


Day 1:


1.  Present instructions #1. 


Shuffle list of pictures and vignettes independently. 

There are two experiment conditions:

If condition = 1:  The pictures assigned are #1-6.  The remaining pictures numbered #7- 12 are controls.  If condition = 2:  Pictures #7-12 are assigned.  Pictures #1-6 are controls. 

The subject will see a total of 6 picture/vignette combinations.  Each picture will be presented for the duration of the audio file. 

There is a 7 second pause between audio files. 

The picture is a large jpeg image depicting a face centered on the screen.  The vignette is a 45-second narration, spoken at a medium pace, describing the person shown in the picture.  Six pictures will be shown out of a possible 12.  Four of the vignettes are neutral; the remaining 2 are critical.   



Day 2:


1.  Present instructions #2. 

On Day 2, subjects see 18 pictures, 6 of which were shown on Day One, 12 are novel. First present 6 foil pictures. Then randomly intermix the 6 pictures from Day 1 with the remaining 6 foil pictures. 

Present each picture in the upper half of the screen. The two scales will be located below each picture.  The subject uses the mouse to click on their response to the rating.

Scale 1: Likeability: Likeability is on a 1 to 7 scale with 1 being likeable and 7 dislikeable.

Scale 2: Honest/Dishonest: For the final scale, subject rates the face on honesty.  1 to 7 scale, with 1 being honest and 7 is dishonest. 


Subject should click on “Next” in order to view the next picture until all 18 have been viewed.

2.  Once all scales have been completed, present Instructions #3.  Subject will be told that the faces were used in the previous experiment.  Present the subject with the 6 pictures that they were shown on Day One.  Pictures will be shown until the subject clicks “Next.”  The recall information is recorded on a preprinted form.



Instruction 1:

“Welcome to our experiment.  We think you will find this experiment very interesting.  Today, you will hear excerpts of stories taken from old People Magazine articles accompanied by a picture of the person described in the article.  While you listen to the story, please look at the picture.”


Instruction 2:

“Welcome back.  Today we will be showing you more pictures.  After each picture is presented, you will be asked to rate the person on a few different scales.  On the first scale, you will rate how friendly or unfriendly the pictures appear.  For the final scale, you will decide how honest or dishonest the face appears.  Naturally we are only asking for the subjective impression you get while you are looking at the face.” 


Instruction 3:

“In the next phase of this experiment, you will once again be presented with pictures.  These are the same pictures that you saw on the first day.  As you may recall there was a story presented with the picture.  When you are shown a picture, please write any information you can recall from the story you heard on Day 1.”




Data Storage:


Day 1:


1.  Create an R-file, which contains the picture presented, the order it was presented in, and the first few words of the story that accompanies it.


Day 2:


1.  The R-file should contain the pictures presented, response to the likeability scale, response to honest/dishonest scale.