Specs for Mozer1a and
Subjects will perform Mozer1a on day 1,
and then Mozer1b one day later.
1. Use 36 Face-Name pairs (Noriko has
2. Mozer1a runs through the list of 36 pairs 3 times (3 blocks). Usually the subject just sees both, with the face
above the name, for 8 seconds. However, sometimes the subject is given the face
and forced to guess on the name, whether they have any idea or not. We are
varying (across pairs) which of the three blocks the forced test occurs in (1,
2, 3, or never). In a forced test the subject sees the face and has 8 seconds to
start typing in the name; if they haven’t started by 8 sec, prompt them again
“Please enter an answer without delay”. Once they do respond, show them the
correct answer for 4 seconds.
Randomly and independently for each
subject: assign 9 of the face-name pairs to each condition 1-4. 1 means “forced
test on first block”, …, 3 means “forced test on third block”; 4 means “never
gets a forced test”.
Once that’s done, the essence of the program is trivial:
For block = 1 to 3 do begin
So suppose number 25 on your list is
assigned to condition1, ie p[25]=1. Then in block 1, the subject will see the
face and have to guess on the name (even though they cannot possibly know the
correct answer since it’s the first trial). If word pair number 1 is assigned to
condition 4, then the subject will never have a forced test on that word pair.
This program is a quick test that will
be given to the subjects the next day. Just randomize the list of names and
forced test the subject on each picture, with no feedback.
Data Storage and Analysis.
As always, save everything. In Mozer1a,
the raw data file should have 1 row per trial, listing the trial number, the
name, the condition for that name, what was shown to the subject, what would be
the correct response, whether it was a forced-test, and if so, how the subject
responded. The data file from Mozer1b should contain a list of the names and how
the subject responded.
We want to be able to recover the probability of items being correct in Mozer1b as a function of what condition they were tested in in Mozer1a. The data analysis program should run through the raw data files from both, and reconstruct how many faces that were presented in Mozer1a in each condition were responded to correctly in Mozer1b.
*updated Aug15