Specs for Glenberg1




This will use the stimuli of SpaceForg1 (Eskimo-English Words).  Subjects will participate in 3 sessions, separated by two weeks.  E.g., they might participate on April 15, April 22, and April 29.


There will be 88  pairs presented.  Groups of 22 of these will be presented in four different conditions named as follows:







These conditions refer to the number of days between the first and second presentation, and the number of days between the second presentation and the test.  In the following table, you can see what events should occur in each session.  1= first presentation; 2=second presentation; T=test.


Condition       Session 1                   Session 2                   Session 3


0,0                                                                                           1,2,T


0,7                   1, 2                              T


7,0                   1                                  2,T


7,7                   1                                  2                                  T


Procedures for Presentations 1 and 2 and Test


Presentation 1. 


Present each item once in a random order (show Eskimo + English). Then go through the list again in a random order, testing each item; when the subject responds, give feedback.  If they get a given item right once, mark it as done for now.  If not, include it in the next presentation.  So you keep going through the list over and over, testing (with feedback) the subset that they got right.


Presentation 2.


Here you go through the list twice in a different random order each time, testing with feedback.  You present each item twice whether they get it right the first time or not.




Tell them “This is a test.  There will be no feedback in this phase.”  Here you simply go through testing, requiring a response (they should be told to guess if they are not sure), and giving no feedback. 



How to make this program


There should be one program that is run three times (on session 1, session 2, and session 3).


The first time you run the program on session 1, it should individually randomize the 88 words and assign them to the four conditions.  Make a file called Stimuli-j (where j is the subject number).  It should contain the following format:


1                      0-0            gills          masrik

2                      0-0            brain        qaqisaq

88                     7-7           cotton        palliksraq


This stimulus file will be used on all three days.  It is different for every subject, but it stays the same for that subject on the different sessions.


Data Files


You should make several kinds of output files.


The R-files should be named R-i-j (where i is the session number and j is the subject number).  These should contain a record of everything that happens on every presentation and test event..


Analyzing The Data:

On Pima, under the C:\Phil\Glenburg directory, there is a Visual Basic project called Vincent.VBP. This VB program analyzes the data. Open the project and run the program. Simply type in the directory where the data is located and the range of value that you want to analyze (subject range). "20" and "50" will put subject 20 through subject 50's data in the S-File. The S-File is created in the C:\Phil\Glenburg directory.


The format of the S file is as follows:

Sub ID |||  Days between 1st & 2nd Presentation ||| Days between 2nd Presentation and Test  |||  %Correct

7 0 0 0.909091
7 0 7 0.227273
7 7 0 0.636364
7 7 7 0.136364