RT Tasks Specs
In this experiment, subjects perform two basic tasks
alone and then the two tasks are combined together. This is fairly complicated
experiment since there are a total of 14 blocks and the number of trials
differs in each block as well as the stimuli. There will be 10 counterbalancing
There are 2 Basic Tasks:
1. A Recall Task: Wav file is presented
and then recall aloud (via microphone) a set of words.
2. Choice RT tasks: with 2 possible stimuli and 2 possible button-push
Recall Task:
Play wav file for 64sec. Place 3-digit
number (e.g. 455) in the center of the screen. The number should be in 24 point
font. Leave number on the screen for 47 sec. Subjects will count backwards by 3’s
into the microphone. After number disappears from screen, play “beep” sound. At
this point, subjects will say aloud the words from the wav file into a
microphone. Responses will be recorded
for 60sec. Afterwards, display message on screen that
they have completed the task.
Need to record numbers and words spoken
as well as RTs. Can we record a single RT for each word or number spoken into
the microphone?
Choice RT tasks:
There will be 4 versions of the Choice
RT task.
For all versions stimuli are presented
in the center of the screen for 2000msec. The stimuli should be presented in 24
point font. Subjects will respond with one of two key presses.
Choice RT Task Mapping:
There will be a total of 8 targets.
Targets are based on stimuli from one
of 4 text files (StimListA StimListB,
StimListC, and StimListD).
Each text file contains 118 stimuli. Stimuli 1-59 are associated with one
target and stimuli 60-118 are associated with a second target. Furthermore,
there are 7 types of trials (variable TrialType)
paired with the targets.
Additionally, there are 4 task
conditions for each version of the Choice RT task.
Use a variable called taskcond to represent these conditions
Targets1 and Target5 à
TaskCond = digit_num
Target2 and Target6 à
TaskCond = word_cat
Target3 and Target7 à
TaskCond = word_adhoc
Target4 and Target8à
TaskCond = digit_mag
Each of the two targets per TaskCond will be assigned to the following keys on the
Target1, Target2, Target3, Target4 are
assigned to “Z” key on the keyboard.
Target5, Target6, Target7, Target8 assigned
to the “/” key on the keyboard.
The two targets in each TaskCond need to be randomized within a TrialType
to create trials. For example, for TrialType = prac and TaskCond = digit_num, targets 1 and 5 need to be presented in a random
order. There should a total of 16 trials in this example with eight target1 and
eight target5.
The following are the number of trials
(using both targets per TaskCond) per TrialType. Note that there are an equal number of both
targets in each one.
= 16 trials, S1 = 4 trials, Single1 = 30
trials, S2 = 4 trials, Dual = 30 trials,
S3= 4 trials, Single2 = 30 trials
On first page collect subject ID# and
condition. Provide General Instructions screen (see attached instructions for
General Instructions to Subject).
There should be a total of 14 blocks.
Blocks 2-5 are similar except that the TaskCond differs in each block.
Blocks 7-10 are similar except that the
TaskCond differs in each block.
Blocks 11-14 are similar except that
the TaskCond differs in each block.
Present Block 1 instructions (see
attached instructions file)
Present Recall Task as described above.
Recall Only (Block 1)
Study List: 16 words Filler Task: Count backwards (3s) Recall Only
64s 55s 60s
RT choice Single
RT Choice Tasks (Block 2-5)
Practice Pre-measure RT choice Task
32s 8s 60s
Present Block 2 Instructions (see
attached instructions file)
Have a screen indicating that they
should place their fingers on keys. Restate that the keys associated with each
of the two targets. Display screen for 1000msec.
This block contains the stimuli from TrialTypes: Prac, S1 and Single1 For TaskCond = digit_num
Subjects perform the prac trials. . After Prac, place
a message box indicating to subjects that they have completed the practice
session and they will begin the task trials. Subjects will then complete S1 and
Single1 trials.
Block 3:
This block is identical to Block 2
except that TaskCond = word_cat
Present Block 3 Instructions (see
attached instructions file)
This block is identical to Block 2
except that TaskCond = word_adhoc
Use Block 4 Instructions (see attached
instructions file)
This block is slightly different from
the previous blocks.
Use Block 5 Instructions (see attached
instructions file)
Below is an example of the screen where
the number appears in the middle of the upper portion of the screen and the
line appears in the lower portion of the screen.
Subjects indicate if the number on the tickmark is larger.
This block uses only the Recall Task
Present Block 6 instructions (see
attached instruction file)
Play wav file2 for 64sec.
Place number 388 in the center of the
screen. Leave number on the screen for 55sec.
Subjects will count backwards by 3’s
into the microphone. After number disappears from screen, play “beep” sound. At
this point, subjects will say aloud the words from the wav file2 into a
microphone. Responses will be recorded
for 6000msec. Afterwards, display message on screen
that they have completed the task.
Recall Only (Block 6)
Study List: 16 words Filler Task: Count backwards (3s) Recall Only
64s 55s 60s
Dual Task
things will be recorded simultaneously onto a wav file: an inaudible beep will
be sent to the sound recorder each time the participant presses a key for the
RT choice task as well as the words that they recall from the list.
Experimental Blocks
Blocks with RT Choice Tasks & Recall (Blocks 7-10)
Study List: 16 words Filler Task: Count backwards (3s) RT Choice Task: 1 of 4 Tasks Recall + RT Choice Task
64s 47s 8s 60s
Block 7:
This block uses the Recall Task and a Choice
RT task. The stimuli will be from TaskCond= digit_num for trialtypes = S2 and
Block 7 instructions (see attached instruction file)
file3 for 64sec.
number 672 in the center of the
screen. Leave number on the screen for 47sec.
will count backwards by 3’s into the microphone.
number disappears from screen, present trialtype =S2.
S2 is completed, play “beep” sound and present trialtype=Dual
this block, subjects will press the keys that correspond to the targets as well
as the words aloud into the microphone. After Dual ends, display message that
informs subject that they have completed the task.
Block 8:
This block uses the Recall Task and a Choice
RT task. The stimuli will be from TaskCond= word_cat for trialtypes = S2 and
Block 8 instructions (see attached instruction file)
file4 for 64sec.
number 529 in the center of the
screen. Leave number on the screen for 47sec.
will count backwards by 3’s into the microphone.
number disappears from screen, present trialtype =S2.
S2 is completed, play “beep” sound and present trialtype=Dual
this block, subjects will press the keys that correspond to the targets as well
as the words aloud into the microphone. After Dual ends, display message that
informs subject that they have completed the task.
Block 9:
This block uses the Recall Task and a Choice
RT task. The stimuli will be from TaskCond= word_adhoc for trialtypes = S2 and
Block 9 instructions (see attached instruction file)
file5 for 64sec.
number 141 in the center of the
screen. Leave number on the screen for 470sec.
will count backwards by 3’s into the microphone.
number disappears from screen, present trialtype =S2.
S2 is completed, play “beep” sound and present trialtype=Dual
this block, subjects will press the keys that correspond to the targets as well
as the words aloud into the microphone. After Dual ends, display message that
informs subject that they have completed the task.
Block 10:
This block uses the Recall Task and a Choice
RT task. The stimuli will be from TaskCond= digit_mag for trialtypes = S2 and
Block 10 instructions (see attached instruction file)
file6 for 64sec.
number 294 in the center of the
screen. Leave number on the screen for 47sec.
will count backwards by 3’s into the microphone.
number disappears from screen, present trialtype =S2.
S2 is completed, play “beep” sound and present trialtype=Dual
this block, subjects will press the keys that correspond to the targets as well
as the words aloud into the microphone. After Dual ends, display message that
informs subject that they have completed the task.
These blocks are similar to blocks 2-5
except that
the TrialType = S3 and Single2
Blocks 11-14
Pre-measure RT choice Task
8s 60s
Use the instructions for block 2 except
delete the line “You will have a
short practice session before you begin the task.”
Use the stimuli for TaskCond
= Digit_num for TrialType =
S3 and Single2
Subjects perform S3 followed by Single2
trials immediately after each other without a break.
Use the instructions for block 3 except
delete the line “You will have a
short practice session before you begin the task.”
Use the stimuli for TaskCond
= word_cat for TrialType =
S3 and Single2
Subjects perform S3 followed by Single2
trials immediately after each other without a break.
Use the instructions for block 4 except
delete the line “You will have a short
practice session before you begin the task.”
Use the stimuli for TaskCond
= word_adhoc for TrialType
= S3 and Single2
Subjects perform S3 followed by Single2
trials immediately after each other without a break.
Use the instructions for block 5 except
delete the line “You will have a
short practice session before you begin the task.”
Use the stimuli for TaskCond
= digit_mag for TrialType =
S3 and Single2
Subjects perform S3 followed by Single2
trials immediately after each other without a break.
Note: At the end of each block, put up
a message saying “Rest Period – Click to Resume”.
and Randomization of Blocks:
Blocks 1 to 5 should be randomized such
that each subject could get a unique order of these blocks.
Blocks 11 to 14 should be randomized
such that each subject could get a unique order of these blocks.
Blocks 6 to 10 need to be
counterbalanced in a specific order
See chart below:
order--> |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
1 |
Block 6 |
Block 7 |
Block 8 |
Block 9 |
Block 10 |
2 |
Block 7 |
Block 9 |
Block 6 |
Block 10 |
Block 8 |
3 |
Block 9 |
Block 10 |
Block 7 |
Block 8 |
Block 6 |
4 |
Block 10 |
Block 8 |
Block 9 |
Block 6 |
Block 7 |
5 |
Block 8 |
Block 6 |
Block 10 |
Block 7 |
Block 9 |
6 |
Block 10 |
Block 9 |
Block 8 |
Block 7 |
Block 6 |
7 |
Block 8 |
Block 10 |
Block 6 |
Block 9 |
Block 7 |
8 |
Block 6 |
Block 8 |
Block 7 |
Block 10 |
Block 9 |
9 |
Block 7 |
Block 6 |
Block 9 |
Block 8 |
Block 10 |
10 |
Block 9 |
Block 7 |
Block 10 |
Block 6 |
Block 8 |
File Structure
You will need to save
Counterbalancing condition, block number, TaskCond, Trialtype, trial number, RT choice task stimuli presented
on the screen, RT to press key for target, which key was pressed for target, RT
to say words aloud, Each word that is said