Feedback4 Specs (programmer: ED)




Use 24 new (not used in FB3) face-name pairs.


Summary of Design


Subjects get one presentation of entire list in random order.  Then they get a test on everything (T1).  Then they get two more tests (T2, T3) on everything that they get wrong on T1.  There are 4 within-subject feedback conditions (assigned only to word pairs that elicit errors).  One week later they are tested on all 24 face-name pairs.


Day 1


Phase 1: Presentations.  Present face-name pairs in random order, for 6 seconds with 2 seconds between pairs.


Phase 2. In a new random order, run through the list, presenting faces and requiring subject to type in the name.  Do not require confidence judgments in this experiment.  Do the following as a function of subject’s response correctness:


Correct resp:     Say “Correct!” for one second, and continue to next face.

Incorrect resp:

               Randomly assign subjects to conditions “Blank”, “Test2FB”, “Test1-3FB” and “FullFB”


               Blank: Present 2 seconds of blank screen as feedback for all three tests.


               Test2FB: Present Blank on tests 1 and 3, and full feedback on test 2.


               Test1-3FB: Present Blank on test 2 and full feedback on test 1 and 3.


               FullFB: full feedback on tests 1, 2 and 3.

Phase 3.  In a random order, run through just the items the subject got wrong in Phase 2 Test.  Feedback is determined by the conditions assigned during Phase 2.


Phase 4.  In a new random order, run through just the items the subject got wrong in Phase 2 Test.  Feedback is determined by the conditions assigned during Phase 2.


Day 2


Subject returns 1 week later and is tested on ALL the faces in a new random order.