Requirements for Online Experiment Modules:

Your experiment module can be written in any web language capable of using the GET and POST methods of communication. You should locate all the files for your experiment in its own directory under /public_html/Online_Exp/.

Experiment modules will be passed the following variables via the GET method from when it is time for the subject to take that particular part of the experiment:

userid - The ID of the user taking the experiment
expnum - The ID of the experiment the user is taking
part - The part of the experiment the user is currently on.

When the Experiment module is finished, it must pass the following variables via the POST method to

userid - The ID of the user taking the experiment
expnum - The ID of the experiment the user is taking
part - The part of the experiment the user is currently on.
data - The data, exactly as it is going to be written to file, \n = enter \t = tab will write the contents of data to a file in the form e{number}u{number}p{number}.txt in the directory /public_html/Online_Exp/Data where the numbers are the experiment number, the user id, and the part number, respectively.

Using the Experiment Administrator:

Go to and use the following information to set up your experiment, add users to it, and check on the status of the users you added to it.
Login: pashlab
Pass: flashexp924

There are four menu options, described below, "Modify Existing Experiments", "Create New Experiment", "User Status", and "Create a New User".

Modify Existing Experiments - This option allows the programmer to modify existing experiment parameters such as the URL of each portion, and the time interval between experiment dates.

Create New Experiment - This option allows the programmer to create a new experiment by specifying the number of parts, the days between the parts, and the URLs of the modules to be used for each part.

User Status - This option allows the administrator/programmer to monitor the progress of all the subjects and find information such as their e-mail and subject id.

Create a New User - This option allows the administrator/programmer to add a user to the user database, contained in users.txt